Social Art Group
July 25, 2022
Did you know that we have Social Art happening every week, Monday-Friday? It is the perfect place to meet new people, work on your own art projects and work beside people who are feeling creative. This is a self directed space but our art tutors can offer suggestions to work...
Womens ArtDeviceArt WorkshopDigital ArtHeaTherapyHealth and ArtWellness and ArtClassHealth and CareHealth Art and WellnessHealth and wellnessArt ClassArts Postdisabilitymental healthcelebrationUpcomingarttherapyArts for Healthvan goghcommunity spaceabstractfinearteventgallerycontemporaryartcreativeartworkcompetitionartistsexhibitingdeviant artH Townhamilton artexhibitionself directed artart makingsocial artexploring art styleslearning new skillswellnessfamous artWorkshopspeoplesupportfundingart therapypaintingart workshopsHamiltonfunArtElwyn StoneArt CompetitionWinnerawards